Jumat, 13 Januari 2012

Dr Albert Leung

Dr. Albert Y. Leung is an internationally renowned pharmacognosist (a scientist who specializes in botanical medicine). He holds a B.S. in Pharmacy from the National Taiwan University and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Pharmacognosy from the University of Michigan. Dr. Leung is one of a handful of scientists in the world who has the unique training, experience and knowledge to correctly identify genuine high quality botanical raw materials and extracts. For 25 years, he has been an advocate of product quality in the herbal industry, and is known for his no-nonsense approach, clearly reflected in his writing style. 
Special Assignments:

Member of International Advisory Board of MCMIA (Modernizing Chinese Medicine International Association), an international body headquartered in Hong Kong charged with the mission of modernizing traditional Chinese medicine
Co-editor of AHPA (American Herbal Products Association) Herbs of Commerce, 2nd Edition, a publication recognized by the FDA for the labelling of herbal supplements
Member of Professional Advisory Board of the Herb Research Foundation established to review, evaluate and disseminate information on herbs
Member of CTFA (Cosmetic, Toiletry and Fragrance Association) International Nomenclature Committee (INC) and Chairman of Subcommittee of Botanical Nomenclature of CTFA established to review and assign names to new cosmetic ingredients
Co-Chairman of AHPA's Chinese Herbal Products Committee
Member of AHPA's Botanical Extracts Committee
Technical advisor to the American Botanical Council
Technical reviewer to HerbalGram
Prime Reviewer of grant applications for the Office of Alternative Medicine (1996)
Technical advisor to major nutritional and herbal supplement companies